Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund

Sport Otago manages the Sport New Zealand Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund for the Otago region. The fund exists to activate our tamariki (children) and rangatahi (teens) through sport, active recreation, and play. It has a strong emphasis on understanding the needs of our youth and delivering what they want to do to be active. We encourage applications from a wide range of organisations that provide play, active recreation, and sport opportunities, particularly for those that are less active.

Application Process

To start your application, please either complete an expression of interest form OR call Tane Whitehead, so he can help with general enquiries. We will then provide you with feedback and discuss the next steps.​​​​​​​



STEP 2A (Important documents below):


Please make sure your budget is excluding GST. ​​​​​​​

Tane Whitehead

Phone: 027 226 2453

Email: twhitehead@sportotago.co.nz 

Funding types
Fast Funds 

Applications for up to $5,000. Fast Funds are open year round, and also have no closing date. We aim to process these smaller grants as soon as possible. This funding is available to enable smaller scale projects to gain funding support with a streamlined application process.

NOTE: These applications take 2 weeks to a month to receive a result.
It will likely take an additional month to pay successful applicants (unless requested sooner).

Major Funding Rounds

There are two Major rounds in which applicants can apply for up to $30,000. 

Round one - CLOSED JULY 2024.

Round two - CLOSED FEBRUARY 2025.

NOTE: It is likely to take 6-8 weeks after the closing of the round before you will receive notification of a result. After you receive a result, a signed investment schedule and bank details will be required before payment is made. Please note, payments are paid once a month (unless requested sooner).

If we are able to process grants before then, we will.


Please find below a link to the accountability report for Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa.

It is important that during the delivery of your project you collect both quantitative and qualitative information on the success of your project. As well as reporting the numbers, you will be asked to provide examples of how your project was successful. Capturing the voice of the young people involved will be crucial for this. 

It is requirement to complete reporting for future funding, and allows us to see what you done and if it aligns with the original application. We understand not every programme will go to plan, but allows to find ways to continue improving the impact Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa has across the Otago region.

From July 1 2024, Sport NZ have created a new accountability report which allows part of the report to be prefilled. This will be sent to successful applicants alongside their investment schedule, and one month prior to their reporting due date as a reminder.

Successful Applications 2024/25

Anderson Bay School

Otago Girls' High School

Port Chalmers School

ADL Charitable Trust

Araiteuru Marae

Clutha Valley Primary School

Dunedin Powerchair Football Club

Kingslea School

Palmerston Primary School

Southern Youth Development

RAD Community Trust

Trinity Catholic College

Up-Cycles Charitable Trust

Waitaki Valley Community Society

Youthtown Oamaru

St Brigid's School

Methodist Mission Southern

Southern Football

Pacific Trust Otago

Sara Cohen School

Otago Islanders Rugby League Club

The Project Bruce Charitable Trust

Shotover Primary School

The Project Bruce Charitable Trust

North East Valley Normal School

Wakari School

Balclutha Primary School

Hungerball Otago

Weston School

St Mary's Dunedin