Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport New Zealand, Te Whatu Ora and Ministry of Education that seeks to improve the wellbeing of children and young people, through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity.

The Sport Otago’s Healthy Active Learning team are supporting 25 primary and intermediate schools across Dunedin, Clutha and Waitaki to:

  • Support their understanding of the value of the Health and Physical Education Curriculum
  • Support their understanding of the value of play, active recreation and sport
  • Support teachers and kaiako to be confident and capable in delivering the Health and Physical Education Curriculum
  • Strengthen their connections with the wider community, including whanau and local health and physical activity providers
  • Support well-informed decision making when using external providers within the education setting
  • Support the creation of healthy food and drink environments

Tamariki at their school colour run that their Physical Activity Leaders organised.

Teachers engaging in professional learning at the Clutha Health & PE Conference day.

Meet the Team

Georgia Clarke

Healthy Active Learning Advisor Dunedin

Ph: 027 695 8002


Keely Hill

Healthy Active Learning Advisor Clutha

Ph: 027 2867267
