Active Families - Healthier Together

Our free programme is here to support and motivate you and your whānau to make healthy lifestyle changes.  

What is Active Families? 

Building healthy eating and exercise patterns early in life are key for long term wellbeing. Whānau involvement in lifestyle change is a major determinant of the success of changes made! Active Families helps give your whānau the skills, ideas, and resources to make this happen!

What to expect? 

  • An initial meeting at your home or over the phone to identify the needs of your whānau.
  • Goal setting for your time with Active Families and planning activities around this to help achieve your goal.
  • Activity sessions tailored to your whānau's interests and needs.
  • Individualised nutrition and physical activity advice.
  • Regular sessions/check ins to help you with maintaining your whānau's goals.

Check out the Tinana Ora Mō Ngā Tamariki guide/checklist for the goals we work towards throughout Active Families.

Ready to get started? Simply click the self-referral link below, fill out the form, and our Active Families coordinator will get in contact with you. ​​​​​​​

Get involved today!

Code of Rights

  • When you access the Active Families service at Sport Otago, you have the protection of a Code of Rights. The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights provides 10 rights, which are available here.

Active Families is now available for face to face activity sessions throughout Oamaru, Central Otago, and the Clutha regions.