Health Coaches
Health Coaches are based in general practices and work alongside Health Improvement Practitioners and the general practice teams. Like HIPs, they accept same-day, ‘warm handovers’ from GP staff of clients and patients needing their help. They come from a range of health and well-being backgrounds, supporting people to take positive steps forward for improving their health. This includes:
Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPS)
Health Improvement Practitioners are qualified and registered health professionals with experience in mental health. They offer 15 to 30 minute appointments to assist clients to take positive steps forward in improving their well-being. Health Improvement Practitioners - HIPs for short - provide a little bit of help to a lot of people by supporting patients to take the next step to improve their well-being across the whole range of physical and mental health presentations. They can support clients of any age.
HIPs help you to develop skills to make positive behavioural changes for your wellbeing. This includes managing stress, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, helping with sleep, alcohol and drug problems. They provide support to all ages including children, youth and their whānau who may have worries or have behavioural concerns.
How do you access the Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP)?
HIPs sit within designated GP practices. A GP or practice nurse may suggest a client meet the HIP in addition to their consult or a patient can contact the practice to arrange a time. The HIP will always attempt to accommodate an appointment on the same day. Seeing a HIP is FREE.
Each appointment with the HIP is designed to be a single, one-off consult. At the end of this session clients leave with a plan for them to start to improve their well-being or a referral to another service if necessary. A follow-up appointment may be arranged if required. This can include:
HIPs do not offer therapy, case management or need to discharge clients. They do not offer crisis services.
Clients can still access other services or therapies, in addition to seeing a HIP.
Community Support Workers, employed by community agencies, support people with anything that is non-clinical, but having a large impact on people's well-being and ability to make progress. The key word is “support” as CSW walk alongside people, supporting them to achieve their goals. This can include:
Providing support to you and your whānau in your own community,
General Practices hosting HIPs, Health Coaches and Community Support Workers:
Queenstown, Wanaka and Central Otago:
Alexandra Family Medical
Aspiring Medical
Health Central
Junction Health
Queenstown Medical Centre
Wanaka Medical
Dunedin, Oamaru and South Otago
Aurora Health Centre
Broadway Medical Centre
Clutha Health First
Dunedin Health Centre
East Otago Health Centre
Green Island Medical Centre
Kurow Medical Centre
Meridian Medical Centre
Milton Medical
Mornington Health Centre
Musselburgh Medical Centre
Mosgiel Health Centre
South Hill Medical Centre (Oamaru)
Te Kāika Dunedin
Te Kāika Oamaru
Health Coach - Wanaka
Sargood Centre, 40 Logan Park Drive,
Dunedin 9016